TRY A dream FEED and sleep better

Whitney passed along this mama idea to me and now I’m telling you; if your baby is starting to skip that 10pm feeding and you want to stretch the sleeping hours to ones that are a lot more convenient, try the dream feed. We used the dream feed technique for several months (on three different babies) with terrific success.

Pssst, the baby Whisperer also recommends it if her word is worth a lot more to you.

Here’s how to do the dream Feed!

Now, it takes a very consistent hand and I never tried it myself because I had the lucky job of pumping during feeding time (consequently, Alec is the pro in our house) but here’s the deal:

Warm the bottle

Feed the baby while he sleeps — you don’t even have to rouse him from the crib

Now, you go to bed and take pleasure in the extra ZZZZ’s

Basically, the sucking reflex is so strong that Holden could down a 4 oz bottle (and later nearly 6 oz!) while still sleeping. I think Alec played video games on his phone with his complimentary hand. Our baby did NOT need to burp after this feeding, I do not know why!

I hear that some people are able to do a full-on nursing session without waking the baby this way. I bow down to them.

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