School’s Out – now What?

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Depending on what district or state you live in, school is either done or nearly done. now comes the summer, with endless hours to fill for your kids. As a teacher, I’ve seen a lot of summer slide take place, so here are a few reminders to help keep your summer go smoothly – and also to plan ahead for an easier transition back to school in the fall.


School is out here are some tips to prevent summer slide

Keep bedtime reasonable. It can be tempting to let your kids stay up really late, but that just makes it harder to get them back on school schedules in the fall. A little flexibility is fine, but try to keep a regular sleep/wake routine.

Retain and review knowledge. You want to keep things light and interesting, but a little bit of review, especially in the basics of math and reading, will go a long way towards keeping them from losing what they’ve learned. getting a few workbooks for your kids and having them work 10-15 minutes a day is enough to retain material, but not so long that it becomes a drudgery.

Engage in educational experiences. summer is a terrific time to encourage your kids to dive deeper into a specific topic. If your time and budget allow, look for a summer camp. Otherwise, encourage them to see what projects they can do over the summer on their own, with ideas from the Internet and your local library. My daughters want to spend the summer doing science experiments, so we’re checking books out of the library with lists of things we can do with basic materials around the house, and have bought a few science kits for them to work on as well.

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Let them be bored. Don’t feel responsible for scheduling everything. during the school year, there is limited time for free play and creative outlets. keep them out of trouble, but let them get bored enough to invent their own ideas for play. allowing and encouraging creativity, whether in play or in art, helps with a lot of non-academic skills that can’t necessarily be taught, but will help them in the future.

One of our girls’ summer projects last year: earning a national Park Jr Ranger Badge – fun and educational.

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