in some cases when it concerns motherhood you just need to mix things up a bit. This week’s Rookie mother challenge will help you do just that!

Rookie mothers challenge #45

Do your days seem pretty routine and monotonous? Do many of your activities with your baby involve either something geared towards their interests or household chores? This is the week where you have the creative license to switch things up a bit.

Instead of heading to the park or playing playdoh one much more time why don’t you pick an activity based on what YOU want to do. The essential here is in the want to do, versus need to do. Yes, we all need to get to the grocery store, fold that fourth pile of laundry. But, today you have a pass. choose something you really want to do.

The inspiration for Rooke mothers challenge #45 came from Heather who said, “When my husband had to be gone for six whole nights on company leaving me alone with baby Holden, I panicked and called in my smartest mother friends for advice. They had perfectly sensible suggestions about lowering my expectations, keeping it simple, and making plans to keep from going stir crazy.”

This suggestion came from Heather’s friend, Molly, a mother of two, and thus an expert:

Think about one thing you might do if it were just you on your own, or possibly if you were going to play host to a dear friend who you rarely see and wanted to impress. visit a museum with an essential art show? Take a drive to a beautiful place and opt for a hike to see the amazing view? go to a cafe and chat with the strangers at the tables nearby just to feel the buzz of the city?

Now then – dive in and do that thing with your young boy even if it seems like it might be stressful. I guarantee it won’t be.

It will be fantastic and fulfilling because it will be the first time you intentionally planned something for your shared enjoyment and edification. A touchstone for all the numerous many times you will do things together, just you two, in the coming years.

Heather’s Turn:

Not wanting to let Molly or myself down, I saddled up the young boy with many of his corresponding gear and we tried a new brunch spot, just the two of us. Brunch is my pleased place. I willed myself to make it happen with my baby as my date. Me with a cocoa and him in his nasty highchair. We flirted with folks at other tables and shared our food. He ate some of my pancakes, scrambled eggs, and strawberries (I did have to pull the pancakes and strawberries apart in a decidedly un-adult fashion) while I licked some of his cheesy cauliflower off my hands.

That was nearly nine years ago. now Holden has two younger brothers, and breakfast in a restaurant is typically much more trouble and money than it is worth, but in some cases on the weekend, we sneak off for brunch, just the two of us.

What would you finish with your baby if you treated him like a dear friend you wanted to impress? Now, go do it!

Need a list to help you get started on things you might want to finish with yourself? We’ve got you!!

Activities mothers will love (and babies will too)

Visit a Museum

Grab Coffee with a Friend

Go Shopping

Head to Target, just for fun!

Visit a Botanical Garden

Invite friends Over To Hang Out

Stroll the Mall

Visit a Zoo

Go for a beautiful Drive

Go for a Hike

Head to the Beach, just to listen to the Ocean

Meet your husband for Lunch

What activity do you want to do today??

This is your 45th weekly challenge. See the whole list of rookie mother challenges here.


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